When To Start Brushing And Flossing Baby Teeth ?
Cosmetic Dentistry . Dental Restoration . Dentistry . Preventive Dentistry . Relax Dental Treatment

Many parents want to know: At what age should I brush and floss my child’s teeth?
A good rule on when to start brushing and flossing baby teeth is to start flossing as soon as the child has teeth that are in contact with each other, usually around age two to three years. Once teeth reach this point, food particles can get caught between them and foster the growth of bacteria and the development of plaque.

And good oral care starts before teeth appear. After a feeding, parents wipe a baby’s gums with a soft washcloth or a baby toothbrush using water only (no toothpaste). Once a child reaches 12 months of age, start brushing any existing child’s teeth with a baby toothbrush twice each day. Some dentists recommend using a non-fluoride kid’s toothpaste before a child reaches two years of age, but ask to be sure. Water and an age-appropriate toothbrush may suffice.

Once children reach two years of age, encourage them to brush their own teeth. Parents, however, should still follow up and brush them again to make sure they’re clean. If a child resists having his or her teeth brushed, parents need to get creative and make the process fun, like “looking for treasure behind the teeth.” And of course, using a themed brush with your child’s favorite cartoon characters can make brushing more enjoyable.