Tooth squeeze
Tooth squeeze a common condition which we not notice…
Is that a new team for you all?? But exactly it was a condition some of then faces..
High and low altitudes can make some problems to eardrums. But did you know that atmospheric pressure can also affect your teeth?
I can tell yes for sure…
This phenomenon is known as tooth squeeze or barodontalgia, this is most common among scuba divers, pilots and mountaineers, but the truth is it can affect anyone who ventures to extreme environments.

I hope now you all are excited to know more about the squeezed teeth…
Read down to get a more idea about it..
Gases contract or expand as the level of pressure around them. Since air is a gas, any pockets of air in your teeth will also expand or contract. In normal environments, these changes would be too small to notice. But in any extremely high-pressure environment like under the ocean, or a low-pressure environment like in a plane or on a high mountain, the effect on your teeth will be noticeable.

Next question will be Why air in the teeth?? Seems funny know???
Tiny leaks around fillings, crowns and dentures can allow small amounts of air to stock on the teeth, setting the stage for barodontalgia. Or maybe untreated tooth decay has created small holes in your enamel.
And its good to know about what happens to teeth while it squeeze itself..
You will experience Tooth pain, Loose fillings, crowns or dentures, Inflamed tooth pulp, Root infection, Dental cysts, Broken teeth, Bleeding gums

If you expect to explore the skies or the bottom of the sea soon, these facts can help you to avoid harmful situations :
Dental check up is important : Dr.Nechupadam Dental, marine Drive can identify and treat any signs of decay or infection and replace old fillings or crowns.
Maintain your oral health: Regular dental visits to Dr.Nechupadam Dental, Marine Drive and proper oral hygiene can prevent decay.
Give time to get result of the treatment: Don’t fly or dive within 24 hours of any dental treatment involving anesthesia. If you’ve had oral surgery recently, wait at least a week.
Already got tooth squeeze? Then don’t worry read to get tips to handle the situation
Avoid hot or cold foods and drinks. Sudden temperature changes in your mouth can make the pain worse. If you’re on a long flight, for example, skip the coffee and ice cream and stick to items that are at room temperature.
Visit Dr.Nechupadam Dental, Maimmediately. Once you’re on land, make an emergency appointment. We can fix any loose restorations and treat the causes of your pain.