TMJ a short word disorder which leaves you in big pain

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a group of conditions that affect the temporomandibular joint. This joint acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. So disorder can lead to pain and discomfort like Jaw pain, difficulty chewing and clicking and locking of the jaw joint. Even the Sufferers may clench or grind their teeth subconsciously, often at night.
TMJ can change life into miserable.

Many women and men are believed to have TMJ, most commonly during their child bearing years. People who are under a great deal of stress are also more prone to it, or a severe injury to the jaw may cause the condition. TMJ can lead to worn-down and sensitive teeth, as well as other painful symptoms, such as a sore jaw, headaches, neck aches, and earaches.
Treatments are there for this condition from medications to physical therapy.

More over visit us on Dr.Nechupadam Dental, Marine Drive. if you feel pain when you chew, find that your jaw has limited movement, or have radiating pain in your face, neck, or shoulders. Treatment may be as simple as relaxation exercises, cold compresses, ibuprofen, and avoiding foods that require serious chewing. To train yourself to stop clenching and grinding your teeth, “resting your tongue upward with your teeth apart and your lips closed.” Try To stop night time grinding.