Sparkling White Teeth is your dream??? Do you know how to get White Teeth Naturally???
Preventive Dentistry

Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond so taking care of them are important because smile attracts first..
For a pearly white smile you can try these tips:
- Rubbing the inside fibrous part of the ripe banana peel, to make your teeth sparkle.
- Strawberries can be rubbed on the teeth in pureed form or cut into halves and used.
- Table salt may be used to rub stains off the teeth. Use fingertips for best results.
- Inside of orange peel to rub the teeth for good results.
- Crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, cucumber, celery and parsley help in removing stains on teeth.

Avoid these things for a better smile:
- Fizzy drinks peel away the tooth enamel and make the teeth weak and yellowish.
- Drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, etc, are not only bad for health but also have a telling affect on the teeth as they restrict blood flow to the gums and cause extensive gum damage.
- Smoking is also a major don’t for dental health as well as for general health. Nicotine leaves a residue on teeth causing yellowish stains on them.
- Dark colour juices, like cranberry juice, leave stains on teeth due to the pigment and sugar they contain.
- Black coffee is also a culprit against sparkling, white teeth.
- Tomato sauce and balsamic vinegar are said to cause staining of teeth.
- Red wine is said to stain the teeth as well as wear away tooth enamel.
- It is better to drink green tea or herbal tea as black tea does cause some staining on the teeth.