How resorption occurs is a common question
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How resorption occurs is a common question
Resorption the absorption into the circulation of cells or tissue
Resorption is a process in which pressure on a tooth can trigger cells within your body to attack the tooth, dissolving parts of the tooth’s structure. Sometimes other mineral deposits are left behind in the process. If left untreated, the tooth will eventually become loose. In fact, the main and often only symptom of resorption is a loose tooth. However, by the time this has happened it is often too late to save the tooth
External resorption : External resorption is the most common type of resorption. Damage to the exterior of the tooth from infection or impact, for example, begins on the outside of the tooth and works its way towards the centre of the tooth.
Internal resorption : If the damage begins inside the tooth, it is known as internal resorption. This is rare in comparison to external resorption. It is linked to chronic inflammation of the pulp inside a tooth and can be associated with caries or trauma to the tooth. .