Reasons for “Why You Should Replacing Your Toothbrush Regularly?”
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Good dental health requires more than regular brushing and flossing. One of the things dentists recommend is to use a new toothbrush every three months. This is not simply to sell more toothbrushes, but has some very real reasons, including the unexpected chance of doing damage to your heart.
With repeated use, the bristles on your brush become frayed and don’t do as well cleaning the plaque from your teeth. The flat surfaces may still look clean but the bristles can’t reach all the nooks and crannies.
Our mouths are full of bacteria. The moistness of a used toothbrush makes a perfect place for these bacteria to grow, making it more likely to transfer bad bacteria from the air into your mouth when you brush again.
As the bristles become frayed, some of the edges become sharp. These sharp edges can cut your gums, which leaves them more vulnerable to infection. Germs can more easily enter into your bloodstream through these cuts.
If you have a cold, the flu or a cold sore, some of the bacteria will remain on your toothbrush. You can rid yourself of the original infection, but the bacteria that remain on the brush can cause a new outbreak.
Heart problems:
Studies have shown that the same thing that causes tooth decay also plays a role in heart disease. By not changing your brush often enough to effectively keep your teeth clean, you put yourself at risk of developing heart problems.
To know more on oral health tips and consultations visit Dr.Nechupadam dental, Marine Drive or call us at +91-889-123-0-123