Pulpotomy: A Procedure to Save Teeth
In Pulpotomy, the first step is to prepare the access cavity and it is done with the help of bur. The cavity is prepared by anaesthetising the area and is prepared up to the upper portion of pulp chamber. All the inflamed pulp is then taken out with the help of spoon excavator. After this the bleeding is tended to stop with the help of cotton pellet pressure.
In the next step of Pulpotomy, medicament is applied upon the pulp with the help of cotton ball to mummify the pulp. Mainly used medicament in Pulpotomy is Formocresol but there are many others like Ferric oxide etc. After this the cavity is sealed with the help of some temporary restoration or interim restoration.
The tooth is then grinded to take the impression and then the crown is made and is placed upon the tooth. This whole procedure can save the tooth from being abscessed and also can maintain the vitality of the tooth.
The prognosis of Pulpotomy is good in most of the cases.