Pregnancy and Dental Health
Dentistry . Preventive Dentistry

Congratulations for the blessing you got in your life!
Being pregnant comes with many responsibilities—and oral hygiene is no exception.
It’s the time to think so much about your mouth. Pregnancy can actually make some dental problems worse. It’s important to consult dentist during pregnancy for checkups and cleanings, along with brushing twice a day with toothpaste and cleaning between your teeth once a day. By Keeping your mouth healthy you can set up a Healthy life for you and your child..

Mouth will show some changes..
During pregnancy women may find they are prone to pregnancy gingivitis that means a mild form of gum disease that causes gums to be red, tender and sore. But it can be by keeping teeth clean. Frequent cleanings will help to control gingivitis. If gingivitis is not treated, it can lead to more serious gum disease.

Diet has a major role…
Did you know that your baby’s teeth will begin to develop between the third and sixth months? That’s why its recommended to have sufficient quantity of nutrients like vitamins A, C, and D, protein, calcium and phosphorous. While it’s normal for pregnant woman to eat more, still frequent snacking can be an invitation to tooth decay. For the better health choose foods that are low in sugar. Add nutritious for you and your baby such as raw fruits and vegetables, yogurt, or cheese.

Care for Mom & Baby
Continue taking care of your mouth and your baby’s mouth, too. Newborns usually have no visible teeth; most baby teeth begin to appear generally about six months after birth. Begin cleaning your baby’s mouth during the first few days after birth by wiping the gums with a clean, moist gauze pad or washcloth. Otherwise As soon as teeth appear decay can occur.