Pregnancy and Dental Care
Preventive Dentistry
Filled with joy expectations& excitement pregnancy is a wonderful time. So many myths and rumours are present about the gestation period and the dental conditions. Many women feel that the teeth become infected or lose calcium during pregnancy .Why is it so? Are those remedial dental procedures safe during pregnancy? What are the contraindicated procedures during pregnancy? What causes problems during pregnancy and why?
Most of the women have morning sickness during the first trimester (first three month) the acidic gastric contents when in contact with tooth can cause dissolution of calcium from the surface of teeth and make teeth more prone to bacterial attack and dental decay Due to morning sickness most pregnant women may neglect brush teeth especially in the morning. Patients advised with bed rest may compromise on their oral hygiene as they may not be able to brush. During pregnancy gum bleeding and mild tumours may be caused if no scaling debridement of teeth is done.
Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that increase your risk of developing gum disease which in turn may affect the health of the developing baby like low birth weight or preterm labour. During the first year after childbirth as they breastfeed there may be a decrease in body fluids (if they don’t take enough water) can cause reduced self-cleansing and problems How can you avoid these problems?
- Brush your teeth thoroughly with fluoridated toothpaste after dinner.
- Brush the teeth after your breakfast rather than early in the morning. Use a different flavour than you were using and use the brush to clean your tongue than a tongue cleaner.
- After you vomit or regurgitate please do not brush immediately wait at least 30 minutes after rinsing your mouth with water. Chew/drink/eat some milk products before you brush also advisable.
- Check your teeth while you plan to have a baby for cavities and gum problems. Doing a scaling & polishing before you get pregnant is advisable.
- As soon as you are confirmed with pregnancy take an afternoon appointment with your dentist check all your teeth and get advised on any recalcifying products.
- After the delivery once again get yourself checked and finish all the pending dental treatment as early as possible.
- Sweet cravings are common during pregnancy snacking very common. More you snack greater chances tooth decay so wash your mouth thoroughly after your snack
Dental Treatments for pregnant women
Most of the dental procedures (except that requires radiography or x-rays & antibiotic therapy) can be done during the pregnancy with consent from the gynaecologist. Extraction of teeth or gingival surgeries could be done mostly in the second trimester (only if it is an emergency procedure). Never extract painful teeth just because you are pregnant.
Single visit Root canal treatments of painful teeth could be done with care without taking radiography and using apex locator to check whether the filling has reached the tip of the root. Laser disinfection & antibiotic irrigation of the root canals can avoid any intake of oral antibiotics. All elective dental procedures like teeth whitening &cosmetic therapy should be carried out before pregnancy or after the delivery.
Orthodontics treatment during pregnancy is safe but oral hygiene maintenance should be impeccable. Have a balanced pregnancy diet with vitamin and calcium supplements keep gums and bone healthy. You might have heard that you lose a tooth every baby born. But that is indeed a myth unless you take proper oral hygiene. Take care and smile always.
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