Occlusion and Craniofacial Development
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Occlusion and Craniofacial Development
In the cases of occlusion and craniofacial developments genetics is of the utmost importance as the genes are responsible for these diseases and this
does not depend only on the one parent as both of the parents have the same role in developmental diseases.
It has been determined from the scientific studies that the child is the mixture of both the parents and in the development of jaws that are responsible
for occlusion and craniofacial part, the genes of one jaw is acquired from mother and the other one is from father. Thus in these diseases genetics play
a main role. Significant advances in human genetics that are now taking place should soon enable screening of those individuals at risk and the
implementation of targeted preventive measures to provide protection from various oral diseases.If you need any help regarding your dental
problems, get dental help from Dr.Nechupadam Dental, Marine Drive.