How to kick out Dental Problems
Keeping your teeth and gums healthy requires good nutrition and regular brushing and flossing.
Brush your teeth twice a day-in the morning and before bed. This removes plaque, which can lead to damaged teeth, gums, and surrounding bone.
Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay and cavities.
Avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar because they pay the way for plaque growth.
Avoid using tobacco products, which can cause gum disease and oral cancer. Exposure to tobacco smoke also may cause gum disease as well as other health problems.
Practice tongue cleaning. You can use a tongue cleaner or a soft-bristle toothbrush, stroking in a back-to-front direction. Tongue cleaning is particularly important for people who smoke or whose tongues are coated or deeply grooved.
Schedule regular Check up with Dr.Nechupadam Dental based on how often you need exams and cleaning.