Its true after a Root canal treatment crown can give a better finish work.
After performing root canal work, dentists apply permanent fillings to protect the treated teeth from bacteria and to strengthen them in the process. For many root canal procedures, however, fitting crowns over the filled teeth is necessary because of the high risk of fracture without the extra protection crowns provide. Another advantage of crowns is that they restore the natural appearance of your teeth.

RCT and crown for incisor and canine
For incisor and canine teeth that are relatively intact, a root canal without crown placement may be perfectly fine. Teeth at the front of the mouth, for example, experience less physical stress than premolars and molars because they are not used for chewing. In fact, the effectiveness of crowning front teeth after root canals, includes only incisors or canines that have been extensively excavated during the procedure. In these cases, you may need the strength crowns provide.

RCT and crown for Premolars and molars
Premolars and molars that are at low risk of fracture may also be suitable for filling-only restorations after root canals. Silver or composite fillings alone can provide a strong, permanent seal and chewing surface when a large amount of tooth remains.

Remind and mind these points
Whether teeth are covered by crowns or filled without them, keep in mind they are still vulnerable to tooth decay. Brush your restored teeth twice daily using a fluoride Your dentist can ultimately help you determine the best option for restoring a tooth after a root canal. Front teeth may not need a crown for strength, but you might still refer the improved appearance a crown offers. Then again, if the tooth is a premolar or molar that is not at high risk of fracturing, a filling-only restoration may be the most cost-effective choice.