Invisalign From Dr. Nechupadam Dental, Marine Drive
certified Invisalign provider . clear aligners . Daily life dentisitry . Dentistry
Invisalign From Dr. Nechupadam Dental, Marine Drive
Putting Invisalign is the beginning, but the system makes the smile wider.
Invisalign is the new technology of dentistry that corrects teeth and jaws that are malaligned.
Crowed teeth are:
- Harder to keep clean.
- At high risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.
- Causes extra stress on the chewing muscles that can lead to headaches, TMJ syndrome and neck, shoulder and back pain.
- Trauma from occlusion.
- Can detract one’s appearance.
The benefits of Invisalign treatment include:
- Healthier
- more pleasing appearance
- Increases the lifespan of teeth
- Better occlusion
- Hollywood Smile
- Lesser amount of clinical visits
- No limits for having food