How to brush teeth to prevent tooth sensitivity?
Cosmetic Dentistry . Dental Restoration . Dentistry . Preventive Dentistry . Relax Dental Treatment . sensitive teeth
Apart from choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste, in the prevention of dental sensitivity it is important to pay attention to the brushing teeth technique.
Scroll down and find out how to brush teeth properly to prevent sensitive teeth.
We often think that brushing teeth is such a mundane activity repeated every day that we know everything about it. However, it is worth confronting our beliefs with specialists’ recommendations, even if only not to worry about the health of our teeth.
The most common technique of brushing teeth recommended to prevent sensitive teeth in the case of using a manual toothbrush consists of moving the toothbrush in a delicate, circular motion. Clean the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces and the chewing surfaces. It is important to pay special attention to cleaning along the gum line. To avoid irritation we should use a soft toothbrush.
At the end, it is worth cleaning the tongue and palate gently thanks to which our breath will remain fresh for longer. This teeth brushing procedure should be repeated at least twice a day. Each time it should last not less than two minutes. Of course, if we want to care even more for our mouth hygiene, we can use dental floss to clean interdental spaces that are difficult to reach.