Gummy smile making your smile less attractive…???

Some people feel self-conscious about smiling because they believe their gums are too prominent. Though we each have our own definition of what makes a smile beautiful including how much gum is more showing while smile, how white is teeth like that its goes on.. usually people perceived as “gummy” when 4 millimeters (just over an eighth of an inch) of gum tissue shows. Gummy smiles may be caused by one or more factors relating to the gums themselves, the teeth, or even the lip or jaw. Each of these areas will require a different approach to solving the problem.
Causes of gummy smile :
- An excessive display of gum tissue in your upper jaw can result from the abnormal eruption of the teeth. Teeth covered by excessive gum tissue appear short, even though they may actually be the proper length.
- The muscle that controls the movement of your upper lip could be hyperactive, causing your upper lip to rise up higher than normal. When this occurs, more of your gum tissue is exposed when you smile.
- The manner in which your upper jaw bone grew and developed could cause the appearance of a gummy smile.
Gummy Smile Treatments :
If you think you have a gummy smile, visit Dr.Nechupadam Dental, marine Drive for confirmation and treatment options. We will examine your mouth, teeth and gums to determine the extent of the excessive gingival display and any possible causes. Depending on the nature of your specific clinical condition, treatment for your gummy smile could include one or more of the following:
- Surgical lip repositioning.
- Orthodontics (braces) to move the teeth into more suitable positions.
- Surgical Sculpting of the gingival tissues and bone to create healthier and more attractive looking gum contours.
- Maxillofacial surgery to reposition the bone.