Gingival Enlargements: Overgrowth of Gums
Gingival Enlargements: Overgrowth of Gums
In clinical terminology an increase in size of the gums is known as Gingival Enlargements. There are various reasons due to which the condition known as Gingival Enlargement occurs and according to the reasons of its causation and the changes that occur in the gums after having Gingival Enlargement, the classification is different. The inflammatory sort of Gingival Enlargements is of two types depending upon the duration of inflammation that has occurred.
In Acute Inflammatory Gingival Enlargement there occurs gingival abscess formation with respect to the localized area and the condition is extremely painful, rapidly expanding with growing up to the proper symptoms of Gingival Enlargements in a very small time.
The reason of having the acute inflammatory Gingival Enlargement is the carrying away of bacteria into the deep tissues by the action of toothbrush or some sharp thing that embedded the food into the deep tissues where bacteria got its penetration and the result can be seen as purulent exudates in the form of pus.
In Chronic type the time period of the symptoms to get appear is very long and also at the same type it is not very painful and also the expansion takes very long time. This Gingival Enlargement can be generalized, localized or discrete.