Genetic Aspects of Dental Caries
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Genetic Aspects of Dental Caries
From the studies it has been clear that the person with lots of caries have most of chances of this transmission to the next generations and the chances are up to 50%. Understanding of the basic concept of transmission of is little tough as there are no genetic basis that can be spotted but the inbreeding studies and the investigations have made the outlook that the recessive genes are responsible for this transmission and this statement is made by the DMFT index that has been carried in the group of population. This index counts the number of decayed, missing, filled and treated teeth in a person.
Although there are various studies that have supported the evidence of genetic basis of transmission of dental diseases but the other factors like fluoride treatment and other environmental factors also have the ability to suppress the same.
There has been also find the fact that dental caries have some relation to Proline Rich Protein that is found in saliva but studies are still going to find out the fact.