Erosion and your pearly whites.
Cosmetic Dentistry . crown . Dentistry . Preventive Dentistry . Uncategorized

Erosion happens in the way which loss of tooth through exposure towards acidic substances which dissolve away the enamel. Fizzy drinks , Citrus fruit juices, Acidic fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits have high acid content and can cause erosion.
Certain other problems cause erosion:
- Heartburn or acid reflux
- Anorexia nervosa or bulimia
- Excessive alcohol intake
- Smoking

Treatment of Erosion
The patient’s diet and medical history should be analysed so that the cause of the erosion can be identified. If dietary factors are causing the erosion, this should be pointed out to the patient and can resolve it. If it’s medical problems then should get medical advice.
Some of the helping points for avoid teeth erosion:
- Saliva production should be to neutralise the acids that cause erosion. Saliva production is increased by the use of sugar free gum.
- Deep Erosion cavities should be repaired by composite resin fillings or crowns.
- Root canal treatment may become necessary if the erosion cavities have exposed the pulp of the tooth.