Enamel Erosion a dental problem
Exposure to acid, primarily from soda or citrus drinks, can wear down the surface of the teeth, making them rounded and discolored. Overbrushing can have a similar effect on enamel near the gum lines.
Anyone who sips lemonade, soda (even diet soda), or sports drinks all day. This is also an occupational hazard of wine professionals. “A lot of times the only risk factor we can come up with is diet soda.” Aggressive brushers may also be wearing away the enamel along with the plaque.
If necessary, teeth can be restored with bonding materials. But to prevent further damage, you have to change your habits. If soft drinks are the culprit, for example, switch to water. Second best is to drink sodas or sports drinks with a full meal or sip them through a straw, then follow with a tooth brushing, sugarless gum, or a good swish of water in the mouth. If the problem is overbrushing, a soft-bristled brush or an electric toothbrush is a start. A dentist or a hygienist can demonstrate proper, gentle brushing technique.