Eat Dessert First!
Dental Restoration . Dentistry . Preventive Dentistry . Uncategorized

Nothing is wrong with dessert, just eat it first ….
It can help you to keep your teeth safe from painful cavities..
As far as teeth go, WHAT we eat isn’t nearly as important as WHEN & HOW often we eat it. For instance, when we eat a piece of cake during dinner, the other food and water we are consuming helps to rinse most of the food particles away. This helps the mouth from developing the acid that decays teeth.
On the other hand, if you sip soda and snack on cake and cookies all afternoon, your teeth are being constantly bombarded with sugar bugs that are very acidic. The plaque will keep these harmful acids against the teeth, and the longer they are there, the higher the risk you have for tooth decay.
That’s why it’s critical you help teach your child to limit between-meal snacking, especially on cookies, candy, and other sweet or sticky foods. Save the cake and cookies for mealtime, when the mouth makes more saliva to help rinse it away!!