Do your gums are bleeding??
Cosmetic Dentistry . Dental Restoration . Dentistry . gingivitis . gum disease . Preventive Dentistry
Are you worried about gum problems??
Lets read the below notes for a basic idea of Gum Problems..
Causes of gum disease
Gums are made of soft tissue. They surround the bottom portion of your teeth (called the tooth root). Taking care of your gums is just as important as taking care of your teeth.
Even if you brush and floss daily, sometimes you may experience Gum disease keep these factors in mind when it comes to your oral health.
Gum problem is an infection of the gums. It is caused by plaque, a sticky film that collects on teeth and gums. Plaque makes acids and toxins that can make gums red, puffy, or bleed.
Over time, gum problems can cause gums to pull away from the teeth. This can form pockets between the teeth and gums. Germs can become trapped in these pockets, causing the bone around the teeth to become weak.
Gum problems are common. Many people have an early form of gum problems which can be treated with good oral care. But if you ignore gum problems they can weaken the bone around the teeth, causing teeth to become loose and eventually fall out.
Many people don’t know they have gum problems. This is why it is important to see your dental team regularly for cleanings and checkups.
There are some more factors affects the gums like..

Bacteria that causes dental plaque is the number-one cause of gum problems. Regular tooth brushing with a Stannous containing toothpaste and flossing can help to remove plaque and keep it from building up on the teeth, eliminating one of the causes of gum problems.
Many prescription and over-the-counter medications come with the side effect of reducing the amount of saliva that naturally occurs in your mouth. Saliva helps keep your teeth clean by controlling the growth of bacteria. So check the list of side effects of your medications, and pay special attention to your gums if dry mouth is listed as a side effect.
If you follow a fad diet or a diet that is severely lacking in calcium and vitamins B and C, you may be at increased risk for gum problems.