Do you Know How to Handle Dental Emergencies….


“No” is the answer??  Then you must Read this…

Knowing how to handle a dental emergency can mean the difference between saving and losing your child’s tooth. As soon as parents see blood and missing teeth they switch to freak-out mode, so take a look at some of these tips so you can remain calm even during a dental emergency.
There are actually only a couple of true dental emergencies; the rest can usually wait until the sun is up before calling dentist. The only time you’re allowed to make 2 am phone calls to your dentist is when you or your child has a… Knocked -Out- Tooth.

Baby Tooth – If something happens to any of your child’s primary teeth, or “baby teeth,” you should take your child to the dentist as soon as you can. If a tooth is completely out, do not try to inset it back in the socket. Although it is normal for children to lose primary teeth, an accident that damages a primary tooth could also harm the permanent “adult” tooth underneath.


Adult Tooth – A baby tooth should not be implanted back in the mouth, but a permanent tooth should. Hold the tooth by the crown, and if it is dirty, rinse the root with water. Do not scrub the tooth or remove any attached bits of tissue. If possible, gently insert and hold the tooth in its socket with a clean wash cloth or gauze. If this isn’t possible, or if your child cannot safely hold the tooth in their mouth, put the tooth in a container with milk, saliva or water. Take your child to the Dr.Nechupadam Dental, Marine drive as quickly as you can Don’t forget to bring the tooth and any tooth pieces you can find!
The only other true dental emergencies you need to seek attention for immediately is if you suspect a broken jaw, or if there is bleeding in the mouth that won’t stop. Besides that, most other dental issues can most likely wait until your dentist is back in the office to go get it checked out!

Dr. Thomas K Paulose
Dr. Thomas K. Paulose is the Director Clinical Administration at Dr. Nechupadam Dental, Kochi, India. He is a specialist in oral prosthetics, Aesthetic / Cosmetic dentistry and a certified Implantologist & Implant Prosthodentist.
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