Diagnosis for Wisdom teeth pain
Diagnosis for Wisdom teeth pain
Diagnosis is done by the periapical, bite wing, occlusal (intraoral) lateral jaw, posterior- anterior view of the mandible orthopantograms (extraoral) radiographs.
Diagnosis of the impacted teeth enables the surgeon to plan his/her surgical procedure and also to assess the difficulties he/ she going to encounter during removal of teeth.
The only treatment for the impacted teeth is the surgical removal of the impacted teeth.
In this outline extent of the soft tissue flap keeping in view the necessity of the exposure is planned and the removal of impaction is to be decided by
the surgeon i.e. whether only bone removal or sectioning of the tooth is done or combination of the both is done.
Selection of the instrument such as whether the removal of bone is done with chisel or bur.And the selection of the direction of bone removal.
Also consideration of factors that complicate the surgery procedure should also be taken in account by the dentist. For e.g. Heart patient, hypertensive patient etc.