Denture the False Teeth for Senior Citizen.
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Denture is the prosthesis that is used for the replacement of all the teeth in the arch and along with this; it also replaces the nearby parts.
Denture can be classified into two categories that is:
- Removable Complete Denture
- Fixed Complete Denture
Dentures are mainly in use for the old age people but some of the adults can be seen with the absence of all the teeth due to their removal by having some periodontal problems.
Purpose of Complete Denture
Complete Denture provides the aesthetics as it helps in restoring the teeth of a person but the essential factors like the colour of teeth, contour and stains on teeth helps a lot in determining its aesthetic properties.
With the help of Complete Denture a person can again finds to chew the food by the method of mastication with the artificial teeth.
Also without the teeth in oral cavity it is very hard for the patient to speak correctly but with the help of Denture in the mouth of patient, this problem come to an end.
Consult Dr.Thomas K Paulose For more Details..