Dentition in Children
There occurs two sets of teeth and these include primary set of teeth and the permanent one.
It is advisable for the parents to guide their children about the cleaning habits so as to avoid the Cavities in Children. Up to 6 months of age the babies are without teeth and there just presents the gum pads. As the gum pads get involve in all the mouth activities like suckling the milk, the parents should clean the gum pads with soft and clean cloth.
After 6 months the primary teeth begin to erupt in mouth and before reaching the 2 years of age there occurs completion of the eruption of all the primary teeth. At this stage the muscles of the baby are not fully developed to get the skills of cleaning the teeth properly with brush. So in the inference of avoiding Cavities in Children the parents should do this job of cleaning.
From the age of 7- 12 years there occurs the replacement of primary teeth by the permanent ones. There also remains the period of mixed dentition in this stage. The new permanent teeth can be seen along with the carious primary teeth. At this stage it is advisable to get the treatment done for carious teeth as these can cause impact in the eruption of permanent teeth. Also the treatment is necessary to prevent Cavities in Children amongst their permanent teeth.
After 12 years of age when the child got all the permanent teeth in his mouth, the third molar remains the only one under the stage of eruption. The time period for its eruption is 17- 25 years of age.