Dentistry in Children..
Here we handles with some concerns about dental care for children:
Visit to Dentist can be a scary thing for children. You can reduce this possibility by choosing your dentist carefully and preparing your child for his or her first visit. Most importantly, don’t communicate your own fears to your child.
next It is important to start brushing and flossing your child’s teeth when they first come in. This keeps your child’s teeth and gums healthy and provides a good model for what he or she will do in the future.
then comes the importance of Fluoride. it’s a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. Dentists recommend that you start to use a very small amount of fluoride toothpaste on your baby’s toothbrush as soon as your baby’s teeth start to come in. Normal amounts of fluoride added to public water supplies and bottled water are also safe for children and adults. Too much fluoride can be toxic and can stain a child’s teeth.