Dental Veneers can change you to a Hollywood Star
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Dental Veneer is a layer of restoration that is placed over the outer and exposed surface of the tooth. The primary use of Dental Veneers is that they are one of the aesthetic adjuncts to discoloured and fractured teeth. These are shell like material that forms the outer covering of the tooth. As the Dental Veneers are the one that helps the dentist to create beautiful smile, to hide the defects of teeth like discolouration, fracture, pits etc these are commonly adverted as the cosmetic materials.
The use of Dental veneers is also helpful by the means that by using them there is no need of further treatment for the tooth as the extensive appearance is so natural looking. Also this is the procedure where demands of cutting the tooth structure are less as compared to other restorative materials.
Uses of Dental Veneers
Defected Enamel
The Dental Veneers are the perfect one for hiding the defect of teeth and this is possible because it can replace the defected enamel. The defected enamel can be due to some fractures or due to discolorations that occurs due to smoking, tobacco use or due to taking of some particular food or medicines.
Genital Defects
The persons having the genetic defects like spacing in between the teeth or having the stains that are due to intake of tetracycline drugs by the mother during pregnancy can get this cure with the help of Dental Veneers.
Misaligned Teeth
Dental Veneers also helps to correct the teeth alignment that is irregular and gives a bad smile. Dental Veneers are the perfect to get a better smile.