Dental Problems can be a problem…
Cosmetic Dentistry . crown . Daily life dentisitry . Dental Restoration . Dentistry . Invisalign . sensitive teeth . Smile designing . Tooth Erosion
According to Dr. Nechupadam discovery of bacteria does not give the emergency signals but this indicates the great risk of spread of diseases during dental procedures. So proper antibiotic coverage should be given and preventional steps should be taken for those who have the great risk of developing Endocarditis and Meningitis. Care is necessary during the following Dental Procedures:
- Extraction
- Implants placement
- Scaling and Root Planing
- Bleeding during any of the preventive procedures.
- During strips placement in gum line.
- Intraligamentary injections.
Conditions having risk of developing complications due to Dental Problems
- Patients having artificial Cardiac Valve.
- Any previous history of Bacterial Endocarditis.
- Patient having Congenital Heart Diseases.
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.