Dental problems and health issues


We all know everything is related. Like that some dental problems are closely related to health issues.

Check the database and get self checked to prevent the future problems.




Gums that appear light pink or almost white can indicate a very low iron level, which is an indicator of Anaemia.



Antidepressant Use


Antidepressant Use

The dry mouth that comes from taking antidepressants can create a problem with increased cavities in your teeth.





A cropped shot of a handsome businessman under strain as colleagues request various things from himStress

When you are stressed, your body creates more cortisol, which is the main cause of inflammation. During stressful times, gum and tooth problems are likely to worsen. Not only is the risk of inflammation greater, but we also tend to neglect things like our teeth when stressed.






 One of the many side-effects of this disease is the repeated creation of abscesses on the teeth roots and sometimes between teeth. This is often one of the earliest signs of diabetes.



Autoimmune disorders

Autoimmune disorders


Many times these disorders can cause either red or white spots in the mouth. While the spots themselves are easy to treat, if left untreated, they can turn into ulcers. These ulcers are extremely painful and difficult to treat.




Heart disease

Heart disease

This is the big one. The same bacteria that cause gum disease also causes heart problems by clogging the major arteries feeding the heart. It is very likely that a person with long-term gum disease may also have heart trouble.




Scroll down for more details and try to include and exclude the mentioned things.


1. While some foods like cranberries can help protect against gum disease and tooth decay.

acidic foods

2. More acidic foods can cause tooth decay.

Pies, cake, candy, chocolates and pudding
3. Pies, cake, candy, chocolates and pudding are saturated with sugar, causing them to stick to your teeth which makes cavity.

Romantic dinner

4. White wine can erode tooth enamel due to its acidic pH, while red wine can stain your teeth.

carbonated drinks

5. Consumption of sweetened carbonated drinks can lead to poor dental and overall health.

6. Reduce sugar intake as much as possible since it produces acidic biofilm, which causes tooth decay.

Dr. Thomas K Paulose
Dr. Thomas K. Paulose is the Director Clinical Administration at Dr. Nechupadam Dental, Kochi, India. He is a specialist in oral prosthetics, Aesthetic / Cosmetic dentistry and a certified Implantologist & Implant Prosthodentist.
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