Dental Care Tips to Improve Your Teeth: From Dr.Nechhupadam Dental, Marine Drive
Taking care of your teeth is important to your health, and not just your oral health but your overall general health as well. Keep your teeth strong, your smile bright, and stay healthy with these simple dental care tips!
1) Brush and Floss Twice a Day
While you should brush at least once a day, twice a day is best! The best time to brush is after you eat a meal, and you should also floss at the same time. You need to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, making sure to cover all of your teeth.
2) Drink Lots of Water
Water is not only important for your overall health, but it encourages saliva production which is important for healthy teeth. Water is also much healthier and better for your teeth than sugary drinks and sodas. Over time, bacteria on your teeth use sugar to create plaque, which if not dealt with will cause teeth decay!
3) Avoid Sugary Foods
You should not only pay attention to sugar in drinks, but also in the foods you eat. Try to avoid eating a lot of sugary foods and candy. If you do eat a lot of sugar, make sure you brush your teeth well after eating. Sugar greatly increases the amount of plaque on your teeth, and if you have a sweet tooth it’s important to be even more conscious about how well you brush your teeth.
4) Get Regular Calcium and Vitamin D
Calcium is important to having strong teeth and dense bones. You can get a regular source of calcium from dairy products and nuts. To absorb calcium your body needs Vitamin D, so make sure you are going outside and getting a good amount of sunlight every day.
5) consult Dr.Nechupadam Dental, Every 6 Months!
Most importantly, make sure you are visiting Dr.Nechupadam Dental, Marine Drive dentist regularly! Dentists can thoroughly clean your teeth, and check for cavities, plaque and any other dental issues that need to be addressed.
Want to schedule your 6 month dental visit? Contact us today by calling +91-9946602221 or Drop a Mail in Ceo@nechupadam.com