Dental and Diabetics
child and dental care . Chipped Tooth . Dental Restoration . Dental tips . Dentistry . Oral health
As we all know oral health is very important to maintain overall health because mouth is the gate way for all kind of infections, sickness.
There are so my deadly disease are arising because of the less concern to the oral hygiene .
Here I’m dealing with a topic which has proved scholarly. Diabetic ketoacidosis. For that we need to know what exactly diabetes is??
Diabetes is a condition where the body either fails to produce insulin (Type 1 diabetes) or the insulin that is produced is no longer as effective (Type 2 diabetes). There are so many side effects for this common problem, but if we not taken care about this it can be dangerous.
People with diabetes are more susceptible to developing infections, as high blood sugar levels can weaken the patient’s immune system defenses. In addition, some diabetes-related health issues, such as nerve damage and reduced blood flow to the extremities, increase the body’s vulnerability toinfection.
In this the mostly deadly syndrome is
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). This life-threatening condition that develops when cells in the body are unable to get the sugar (glucose) they need for energy because there is not enough insulin.
When the sugar cannot get into the cells, it stays in the blood. The kidneys filter some of the sugar from the blood and remove it from the body through urine.
Because the cells cannot receive sugar for energy, the body begins to break down fat and muscle for energy. When this happens, ketones, or fatty acids, are produced and enter the bloodstream, causing the chemical imbalance (metabolic acidosis) called diabetic ketoacidosis.
In this case if a severe infection or other illness, can cause severely dehydrated. Which leads to death.
Your blood sugar may be quite high before you notice symptoms, which include:
Flushed, hot, dry skin.
Blurred vision.
Feeling thirsty and urinating a lot.
Drowsiness or difficulty waking up. Young children may lack interest in their normal activities.
Rapid, deep breathing.
A strong, fruity breath odor.
Loss of appetite, belly pain, and vomiting.
If you notice any of This condition
Laboratory tests, including blood and urine tests, should be done.
When ketoacidosis is severe, it must be treated in the hospital, often in an intensive care unit.
The risk for DKA is higher when you are sick. Stress hormones released due to illness can raise your blood sugar. You may be at risk for dehydration if you are vomiting.
To prevent DKA when you are not feeling well, try to drink water, take your diabetes medicine, and eat a little food. Test your blood sugar often.