Complications Associated with Wisdom teeth pain
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Complications Associated with Wisdom teeth pain
*Infection of the mucosa or bone leads to pericoronitis i.e. the inflammation of the flap by collection of food inside, pus formation or the necrosis of the bone
*Pain can vary in character. There may be slight pain or discomfort or severe pain which may be feel in the nearby area for e.g. Pain in the ear.
*Fracture of the jaw can take place in the area of impacted teeth when trauma occurs because the impacted teeth weaken the bone in that area.
*Trismus is a squeal to infection. This leads to reduced mouth opening.
*Cheek biting a number of partially erupted teeth are directed to the buccal mucosa and hurt the mucosa thereby forming a white patch or chronic ulcers.
*Other complications such as ringing or buzzing sound in the ear, dimness of the vision or pain may occur.