A comparison between Dental & Daily Wear Cost
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Have you ever thought of the cost of your daily wear or have you really calculated how much you spend for your daily wear. Imagine that you bought a shirt for Rs.500. You might have another 7 shirts in your wardrobe. So you will be wearing this shirt a day every week. If you just calculate that you wore it every week for one year the you would have spend around 10 rupees per day for it.
Now think of the rest of your daily attire totally an average working person spends 30 rupees for his daily wear. Let me come to my point think you are spending half the amount every year for dental care and treatments you have 5475 rupees every year. This will be more than sufficient most occasions to serve your dental needs. To explain clearly a 15 years old will have 82125 rupees to be spend for his dental treatment at thirty years he has another 82125 rupees to spend and so on. So if you think your smile is the best attire to wear daily and that your bite keeps you healthy make sure to get quality treatments that can save you a lot of heartbreaks.