Bruxism is a Dental Issue
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Bruxism is the unconscious state of person’s mind which leads to the person doing the grinding of teeth against the upper and lower jaw. The person who is find involved with the habit of Bruxism is unable to stop the damage of teeth. victims of Bruxism children but this can also be found in adult. And in these cases the use of Night Guards to prevent the further destruction from Bruxism is very necessary.
There are many factors related with Bruxism and these can be stress related factors that can enhance the rate of Bruxism. Some medical conditions are also responsible for the same.
Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism
- Attrition of teeth can be seen as a result of Bruxism
- Wear off of enamel from tooth surface
- Exposing surface of dentin leading to yellow coloration of teeth.
- Complaint of having sensitivity to hot and cold stuffs.
- Inability to chew the food, pain in teeth and gums.
- The level of crown length gets reduced to the levels of gum.
- Pain in mouth opening on waking up in the morning.
- TMJ pain can also be there.
- Chipped off enamel can also be seen.