Should I brush my teeth after every meal?
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A meal is an eating occasion that takes place at a certain time and includes specific, prepared food.
The type of meal served or eaten at any given time varies by custom and location. In most modern cultures, three main meals are eaten: in the morning, early afternoon, and evening.
Further, the names of meals are often interchangeable by custom as well. Some serve dinner as the main meal at midday, with supper as the late afternoon/early evening meal; while others may call their midday meal lunch and their early evening meal supper. Except for “breakfast”, these names can vary from region to region or even from family to family. Just think how much we are using our teeth, how much acid and sweets are stricken in the teeth.
So its damn sure to brush after every meal if possible to make keep away the food remaining from your Pearly whites or It is important that you brush last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with a toothpaste containing fluoride.
Eating and drinking foods containing sugar and acids naturally weakens the enamel on your teeth. Brushing straight afterwards can cause tiny particles of enamel to be brushed away. It is best not to brush your teeth until at least one hour after eating.
It is especially important to brush before bed. This is because the flow of saliva, which is the mouth’s own cleaning system, slows down during the night and this leaves the mouth more at risk from decay.