AIDS and Dental Health
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Today we are dealing with How AIDS affects mouth or Oral Health
The Importance of Dental Health of a Person with HIV-positive may not be at the top of their mind. But chronic health conditions like HIV and AIDS can put you at risk for certain oral health problems. Some of these conditions can happen to anyone, regardless of HIV status, while other symptoms only show up in people with a compromised immune system.
Dry mouth and Cavities
Some Anti-HIV drugs and even HIV itself may be linked to a Decrease in Saliva, Because saliva helps wash away debris and fight harmful bacteria, dry mouth can increase your risk of developing tooth decay.
Drink water frequently, and use sugar-free candies or gum to stimulate saliva flow is the best way to keep away Dry mouth.
Oral lesions
If you have HIV, you may be more likely to develop sores inside and around your mouth. This problem can have different causes.
Raised, white bumps inside the mouth may be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These lesions can be smooth or rough. Eliminating intake of alcohol and tobacco is the best way to get rid of this problem.
Canker sores are another type of oral lesion. These sores, which appear as shallow bumps with red borders, are not dangerous but can make eating uncomfortable.
Oral candidiasis, called thrush, is a fungal infection of the mouth. This is common symptom indicating a suppressed immune system. Thrush usually appears on the tongue or roof of the mouth, but it can also cause sores at the corners of the lips. Dry mouth can make thrush worse.
Gum disease
Being HIV-positive makes you more likely to develop a specific type of gum inflammation. The first stage is called linear gingival erythema (LGE) and appears as redness along the gum line. This condition, which used to be called “HIV gingivitis,” is common among people with a suppressed immune system. If not caught in time, it can progress to a more severe form of gum disease, which can eventually destroy the gums and bones supporting your teeth. Protect yourself against gum disease by brushing up on your dental hygiene skills.
Hairy leukoplakia
A strong indicator of HIV, this condition shows up as a white patch on the sides of the tongue. The furry-looking white layer is made of keratin, the same type of cell that forms the skin. Leukoplakia does not cause pain or discomfort, but anti-HIV drugs and regular brushing and flossing can help it disappear.
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