Pulp Diseases a inner discomfort..
Cosmetic Dentistry . crown . dental pulp Diseases . Dental tips . Dentistry
Are you aware of dental pulp??
The dental pulp is the part in the center of a tooth made up of living connective tissue and cells called odontoblasts. The dental pulp is a part of the dentin pulp complex.
Now, as same as all organs dental pulp can also cause diseases…
Scroll down to get an idea about the diseases…
Reversible pulpitis or mild inflammation of the pulp

The Symptoms typically include pain upon eating or drinking something very sweet, hot, or cold. Without treatment, the inflammation can progress to a dental abscess, a collection of bacteria and pus. Good oral health habits can help offset reversible pulpitis, but in many cases, a filling is eventually needed. pulpitis can also occur if you crack or break a tooth.
Irreversible pulpitis, or severe inflammation of the pulp that can’t be cured
In such cases sudden intense pain can happen. If it Left untreated, it can result in a widespread gum and connective tissue infection. Irreversible pulpitis is generally treated with a root canal procedure.
Dental pulp calcification
This condition is also known as dental pulp stones. This is a condition in which hardening, or calcification, of pulp tissue results in hypersensitivity and extreme pain because the dental nerves become compressed. A root canal is usually necessary to clear away hardened tissue.
Dental pulp exposure

This condition comes on when damage to the external covering of a tooth, such as a cavity or crack in the tooth, exposes the normally protected pulp to bacteria and irritating food particles. Pain is the most frequent symptom and without proper dental care, a mild infection can progress into a serious abscess. Depending on the degree of pulp exposure, a filling or root-canal procedure can be done..
For a better consultation and diseases examination contact Dr.Nechpadam Dental,Marine Drive for reach up with expert dentist…