Uniqueness is your signature. In the modern society we all are happy when we get something which is unique. Look up to a fashion industry there you can find the popularity of Up to date fashion and the stunning smiles. Do you ever think that your smile is not enough for you?? Or you need […]
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Cut down on acidic drinks and foods. When you do have something with acid, have it at meal times to make it easier on your enamel. Rinse your mouth with water right after you eat or drink acidic things. Use a straw for sodas and fruit juices so they bypass the teeth. Finish a meal […]
Tooth bonding can protect a damaged tooth and cover teeth that are worn down, chipped, or discoloured. If you’ve lost a lot of that outer shell, Dr.Nechupadam Dental, Marine drive may cover the tooth with a crown to protect it from further damage. If a food or drink can stain a tablecloth, it can stain […]
As we all know oral health is very important to maintain overall health because mouth is the gate way for all kind of infections, sickness. There are so my deadly disease are arising because of the less concern to the oral hygiene . Here I’m dealing with a topic which has proved scholarly. Diabetic ketoacidosis. For […]
Men who smoke or chew tobacco have a greater risk for gum disease and oral cancer. Age is also a factor: 95 percent of oral cancers occur in those over 40 years of age. It is important for men who use tobacco to see dentist frequently for cleanings and to ensure their mouth remains healthy. […]
When you visit Dr.Thomas nechupadam, be sure to provide a complete medical history and inform him if any recent health developments, even if they seem unrelated to your oral health. In addition, you can play a major role in improving your oral and overall health by following these practices: Brushing your teeth for two to […]
What you eat can help you keep your teeth. Antioxidants and other nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts improve your body’s ability to fight bacteria and inflammation, helping to protect your teeth and gums. Some foods may actually help defend against tooth decay in special ways. For instance, recent studies have indicated that […]
Flossing your teeth can help keep your gums strong and prevent plaque from building up between teeth. Make sure to floss at least once a day, preferably before bed, to clean the places where a toothbrush can’t reach. How important is flossing? According to Dr.Thomas K Pauolse, flossing is the only activity that can remove […]
Have you ever thought of the cost of your daily wear or have you really calculated how much you spend for your daily wear. Imagine that you bought a shirt for Rs.500. You might have another 7 shirts in your wardrobe. So you will be wearing this shirt a day every week. If you just […]
Clear Aligners are an alternative to traditional braces and are designed to help guide teeth into their proper position. Similar to braces, clear aligners use a gradual force to control tooth movement, but without metal wires or brackets. The aligners are made of a strong plastic material and are fabricated to fit each person’s mouth. […]