If you start smoking at age 18 and smoke one pack a day, how many teeth are you likely to lose by the time you are 35 years old, did you ever think about it So gonna lose Four to five teeth by the age of 35. Smokers are about twice as likely to lose […]

AIDS and Dental Health
Dr. Thomas K Paulose

Today we are dealing with How AIDS affects mouth or Oral Health The Importance of Dental Health of a Person with HIV-positive may not be at the top of their mind. But chronic health conditions like HIV and AIDS can put you at risk for certain oral health problems. Some of these conditions can happen […]

When you’re travelling, you usually store your damp toothbrush in your toothbrush holder, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. To keep both items free of germs, you should give them a regular, quick clean. Rinse: Rinse toothbrush and holder thoroughly under hot water, so that all scum and toothpaste residue is removed. Clean: […]

Traveling is a exciting matter going to a different place, trying new foods, going on adventures, But failing on your dental hygiene while travelling could gift you a miserable time on vacation. Here are some preparation tips to remember before the adventure……. Don’t Put Off Appointments If you need a dental procedure done, make sure […]