Space Maintainers can be a blessings for Children Teeth Space Maintainers are the devices that are made either of metal or plastic and these serves in the preserving of space for the permanent teeth to come in the oral cavity when the child losses primary teeth at an early age. In man’s life there occur […]
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Symptoms of Teething There are lots of symptoms from which the baby suffers and it depends upon the baby that how much pain he feels. There occurs the swelling of gums and also redness can be seen when the Teething begins. Soreness of gums can also be seen. In systemic infection there occurs diarrhoea, slight […]
Teething is the process by which the infants develop primary teeth in oral cavity. Teething begins at the age of 3 months and it can take around 12 months for the first tooth to erupt in the oral cavity. The normal age at which Teething begins is encountered as 6-9 months. The last teeth comes […]
In Pulpotomy, the first step is to prepare the access cavity and it is done with the help of bur. The cavity is prepared by anaesthetising the area and is prepared up to the upper portion of pulp chamber. All the inflamed pulp is then taken out with the help of spoon excavator. After this […]
Due to the less content of inorganic part in the deciduous teeth, they are very much prone in having Dental problems and also the time of approach for the bacteria to reach the pulp part is less in deciduous teeth than the permanent ones. Pulpotomy is the procedure to save the tooth mainly the deciduous […]
The power of smile and how oral health can increase confidence, happiness and health. You may have heard recent press about the amount of children with oral health problems. New statistics revealed more than 33,000 children were admitted to hospital for tooth extractions under general anaesthetic in the last year alone. We cannot let poor […]
Do you know the enormous power that lies behind a smile. We want you to take a moment and think about how a simple smile can be one of the most powerful tools. Charles Darwin who was one of the first to really look at the power of a smile. He noted that smiling is […]
Take a moment to think about your own oral health. It’s something which far too many of us often overlook but this shouldn’t be the case. Developing and maintaining good oral health and hygiene doesn’t have to be expensive, time-consuming or difficult but can lead to so many worthwhile benefits for the mouth and our […]
A Flawless Floss for the good dental health We know we should floss at least once a day, but not everyone knows the right way to do it. Use this step-by-step guide to find out how to properly floss your teeth: Break off about 18 inches of floss and wind most of it around one […]