Space Maintainers for teeth
Dr. Thomas K Paulose

Space Maintainers for teeth; you should be aware for more beautiful smile.. Your child’s little baby teeth have some big responsibilities. Until the adolescent years, they will not only help your youngster bite and chew and speak correctly but also help guide the permanent teeth underneath them into proper position. In fact, a major function […]

Cavities..:( Don’t worry..!!! Some of the remedies mentioned below can be practiced easily at home or is it complicated then visit us for complete relief.. * Brush twice a day, daily – Tooth decay occurs due to the bacteria and bits of food particles that are stuck in your mouth. Brushing properly with effective toothpaste, […]

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond is a true quote. Just imagine a situation in your life without teeth in the mouth… here we discuss a common question arises “ As an older person, do I really need to be […]

Gums and teeth can reflect the value of your overall health The saying goes ‘the mouth is the window to the body’ and when we’re talking about taking care of our teeth, this couldn’t be truer. What it can do for our confidence, our career and relationships but we have yet to talk about the […]

Silver coating for your pearly whites. More than 1 billion amalgam fillings are placed annually. Here are some common reasons why your dentist might recommend an amalgam filling: Amalgam tends to be stronger than resin-based composite (white fillings), so it’s a good choice for fillings on back teeth that will withstand a lot of pressure […]

Taking care of your teeth
Dr. Thomas K Paulose

Taking care of your teeth  To take better care of your oral health, it is important to floss daily, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice daily and visit Dr.Nechupadam Dental,Marine Drive Kochi  at least twice a year for cleanings. Here are some tips to better dental health:  Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to reach every […]

Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate
Dr. Thomas K Paulose

Do you know about cleft lip and palate ?? Every year, about 4,440 babies with a cleft lip. Among the most common birth defects, cleft lip and cleft palate occur when the sides of the lip and roof of the mouth don’t fuse together properly. clefts means ; The bones and tissues of a baby’s […]

periodontal disease
Dr. Thomas K Paulose

periodontal disease a problem??? Periodontal disease is a result of plaque, which hardens into a rough, porous substance called tartar. The acids produced and released by bacteria found in tartar irritate gums. These acids cause the breakdown of fibres that anchor the gums tightly to the teeth, creating periodontal pockets that fill with even more […]

Why is Oral Health Important for Men?   Men are less likely than women to take care of their physical health and, according to surveys and studies; their oral health is equally ignored. Good oral health recently has been linked with longevity. Yet, one of the most common factors associated with infrequent dental checkups is […]

 Oral Cancer a day to day made up problem… An oral cancer may start with a small, pale, red, painless lump on some area of the mouth. A dentist can easily screen for the disease by examining and feeling around a patient’s mouth, head, and neck. Of the estimated 30,000 cases of oral cancer diagnosed […]