What causes sensitive teeth?
Dentistry . Preventive Dentistry . sensitive teeth
Do you experience pain or tingling in your teeth, especially when eating sweet, hot or cold foods?
Do brushing and flossing sometimes cause you to cringe?
Still your teeth makes you discomfort?

You may be suffering from teeth sensitivity , and you’re not alone: One in five adults suffers from sensitive teeth.
Pain from sensitive teeth usually comes and goes. If you have constant pain, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.
What does teeth sensitivity mean for your teeth? Is the next thought..
Teeth sensitivity can mean significant pain and it often impacts daily activities, such as eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth.
In healthy teeth, dentin is protected by your gums and by your teeth’s hard enamel outer layer. However, dentin can become exposed due to receding gums, fractured or chipped teeth or erosion. Microscopic holes in the dentin which connect to the nerve, triggering pain when irritated by certain foods and beverages.
Are you aware of sensitive teeth courses??
Two recognized leading causes of teeth sensitivity are enamel loss and gum recession.

Brushing too hard: using a hard-bristled toothbrush can cause gum recession over time.
Acidic foods: Eating acidic foods and beverages on a regular basis can cause enamel to erode, increasing the likelihood of teeth sensitivity.